
The Inspiration

The first part of my career was rooted in project management and technology. As a green consultant, I learned how to solve real world business problems with the application and preservation of cutting edge technologies. I managed projects ranging from start-up websites to strategic repositionings. I led teams that helped clients to grow, whether is was from a revenue, customer, or internal workflow perspective.

The second phase of my career was devoted to brand management. My objective was to ensure a company’s greatest asset was their brand(s). I worked with companies both big and small to set them apart from their competitors by not only influencing the brand’s perception, but also to present opportunities to take the brand to the next level. 

The third and current part of my career evolution is all of the above with an entrepreneurial edge. I am inspired by creating movement. Brylson Brand Solutions is a manifestation of such movements. We pledge to help organizations find their BRAND VOICE and connect it to the world, loud and clear. 

– Jill Nelson, Founder and President

Jill Nelson Biography

Jill gets a fire in her belly when she hears stories of what it takes to run a successful business, and is motivated to do the same for Brylson Brand Solutions. Because of her experience, she is adept at conceiving and implementing strategies with a high level of detail and precision. She also has a keen ability to adapt to challenges while staying within project scope, budget and timeline. Last but not least, Jill has a proven track record of cultivating relationships through exceptional communication skills. Her business background has been an asset to her entrepreneurial spirit, and vice-versa.

Jill’s passion for building brands and innovative thinking started while earning her undergraduate business degree from the University of Illinois. Post graduation she was a consultant for Accenture and other local technology companies. After gaining experience in this field for 5 years, she decided to return to school full-time for her MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. There she studied and applied higher level thinking with a concentration in marketing and entrepreneurship. Her MBA lead her to brand management at large companies, including United Airlines and Jim Beam Brands. Her heart brought her back to small business, and the creation of Brylson Brand Solutions.

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